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【課程介紹 Part 2 英語發音】

準備好要出航的水手們~熱騰騰的課程介紹又來啦!!! 今天邀請到的是 →→→台北大學的文學院院長:劉慶剛 教授 目前在系上教授的課程有:發音練習、英語語音學、英文作文 


大家想不想知道,我們學校的應外系, 和其他學校的外文系,差別在哪裡呢?

▲ 慶剛教授認為~ 1. 系上有些必修課會平分成幾個班級,採取小班制度,


2. 我們系上的教學主軸,以文化、翻譯、口譯、英語教學為大宗,加強了學生對於英語實用的能力。

3. 系上的老師,都非常關心學生的成長~盡可能的幫助每一位學生學習!! 

慶剛教授上課活潑生動,幽默風趣,大家想不想來體驗看看呢? 小編本身也好喜歡慶剛教授呢\(^o^)/ → 教授上課在發音練習的課堂上,更是指導學生利用錄音的方式 來改善自己的發音呢!! 

還在猶豫什麼呢? 想要成為一個native speaker,別錯過機會啦~!! 以下為與教授的訪談內容,教授是用英文回答,想挑戰的水手們一定要看看!! 


1. 您覺得我們應外系與其他學校外文系主要差別為何?

The differences are at least in three perspectives:

1. We have very solid fundamental training in basic language skills by providing small-size of class (less than 20 students in a class).

2. Our curriculum design is extremely focused: focusing on culture, translation and interpretation, and language teaching and learning.

3. All our teachers have been known as great caretakers of our students. We tried out best to help our students to learn the most in our department.

2. 您為何想當老師,是原本生涯規劃的目標之一嗎?

No. But it is a beautiful mistake. Now I love my job and I think it is a great blessing to be able to work and learn new things with students every day.

3. 您認為學生於應外系能學習到甚麼?

If you really follow our teachers instruction and guidance and spend enough time to prepare and review your work, complete the assigned work with your whole heart and effort, you will be guaranteed to have full confidence and command of the English language, including excellent application of critical/logical thinking and problem-solving ability. In other words, you can be ready to pursue your success in any fields.

4. 您有出國讀書經驗,當時印象最深刻的事情是甚麼?

The most unforgettable experiences when I studied abroad are to have realized that nothing can be gained without pain, to have realized how an educator is from a teacher, to have learned how to communicate and negotiate in the workplace and how to have a happy hour after work, to have learned how methodology and strategies of making things happen are much more important than just memorizing the facts of knowledge.

5. 您聽過最好笑的英文笑話?

Psychiatrist: (Without raising his head) What’s your problem? How can I help you?

Patient: I feel I’m invisible.

Psychiatrist: Next, please.

::::::::▷報名與營隊資訊◁:::::::: 活動時間:2015/7/14(二)~7/17(五) 活動地點:臺北大學三峽校區 報名費用:新台幣4800元 報名期限:6月5日截止(郵戳為憑) 報名表單: 招生簡章: 粉絲專頁: 記得要按粉專讚才能follow到最新消息哦♥

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